Allergy Symptoms | How To Get Rid Of Allergies

An allergy is the unusual reaction of certain body tissues when they come into contact with chemical substances that are called antigens or allergens. Basically, an allergy is the body’s way of indicating that certain chemicals that it is sensitive to have entered the system. Allergies can occur either due to external exposure to agents like pollen, animal hair, pollutants and dust, and cosmetics, or due to the absorption into the bloodstream of irritants present in certain medicines, vaccines or food products, and sometimes because of changes in the external environment. Allergies can be either seasonal or chronic, depending on how the individual’s body reacts to certain foreign substances. Allergies can also be both internal and external, that is, they may have outwards physical manifestations like rashes on the skin, or may cause irritation in the internal membranes of the body. The most common symptoms of allergies are sneezing and nasal congestion, inflammation, itching and rashes on the skin, breathlessness, nausea, headache, dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea.

Home Remedies For Allergy Relief

There are a few simple home remedies that can be useful in treating allergies.

  • One of the most popular remedies is to add a few drops of castor oil in half a cup of any fruit or vegetable juice or plain water and drink it on an empty stomach every morning. This is an effective way of preventing allergies of the skin, nasal tract and the intestines.

  • For those who are not allergic to citrus fruits, a few drops of lime juice added to a cup of lukewarm water and sweetened with honey is an effective natural detoxifying agent. Consume this solution every morning to flush out toxins from the system and prevent allergies of all sorts.

  • A mixture of three parts of carrot juice and one part each of beet and cucumber juice, when consumed daily, is also known to help prevent allergies.

  • Unless you are allergic to bananas, you may also eat a couple of bananas every morning at breakfast to cure skin and stomach allergies.

  • A useful and long-lasting remedy is to increase the immunity of the system by opting for a few days of fast, during which you should consume only fruit juices. You may follow this up with a few days’ of an all-fruit diet, and then gradually switch over to vegetables and other food items. Following this procedure once every couple of months makes the body naturally more resistant to allergens.

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