Natural Remedies To Cure Bronchitis
Bronchitis refers to the inflammation of the bronchi, caused by the accumulation of large quantities of mucus in them. The patient suffers from coughing fits, during which thick phlegm is expelled orally. This condition is marked by the rise in body temperature, difficulty in breathing, severe irritation in the throat, congestion and burning sensation in the chest, exhaustion and loss of appetite. Smoking is one of the chief causes of bronchitis, as it reduces the resistance of the body and makes the bronchial tubes vulnerable to infection by germs. Changes in the weather often trigger these attacks.
Home Remedies To Treat Bronchitis
- One of the most popular and effective remedies is to add a teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of warm milk and drink this thrice a day on an empty stomach. Turmeric has natural antiseptic properties which strengthen the immune system of the body while the milk helps to soften and expel the accumulated mucus in the bronchial tubes.
- Another helpful remedy is to grind a small piece of ginger, a few cloves and black pepper together into a powder and then mix this powder with two spoonfuls of honey. Consuming this paste twice every day relieves the congestion in the chest and the throat and expels the mucus naturally. Alternatively, you could boil these ingredients in some water till it reduces to half of its initial quantity and then add a spoonful of honey to the solution.
- Another simple remedy is to consume a teaspoon of onion juice every morning on an empty stomach. This acts as a natural expectorant and helps in unclogging the blocked passages in the respiratory tract.
- You could also crush a few almonds and mix this powder with lime or orange juice and consume a spoonful of this mixture every day to treat bronchitis.
- Make a natural expectorant by mixing a tablespoon of sesame seeds and a pinch of common salt in a spoonful each of linseed oil and honey, and consume this mixture every night before going to bed.
- Massaging the chest and the neck with the thick paste obtained by boiling a cup of linseed in some water is also highly helpful in treating bronchitis.
- In addition, boil 50gms of fresh spinach leaves in 250ml of water and then add a pinch of ammonium chloride and a teaspoon of honey into this solution. This makes for an excellent natural expectorant and should be consumed once every day.