Obesity Treatment | Tips To Reduce Overweight

Obesity is a serious health disorder in which there is the deposition of excessive fat in the adipose tissues of the body. The ideal body mass index (BMI) of an individual is calculated in terms of his/her age, sex, height and weight. When a person’s BMI is more than 20% of what it should ideally be, a person is considered obese. The primary causes of obesity are excessive consumption of food, a low metabolic rate, lack of adequate physical exercise, disorders relating to the thyroid or the pituitary glands, hormonal imbalances and hereditary factors. Obesity can lead to serious ailments like hypertension, heart and kidney failure, diabetes, pain in joints (especially knees and ankles), sleeping and respiratory problems, depression and in extreme cases even difficulties in normal body movements like walking.

Natural Treatment To Prevent Obesity

Obesity can be prevented by adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle.

  • You must regulate the number of calories you intake every day. Overeating or binge eating leads to the accumulation of sugar and fat in the body, which makes one overweight over a period of time. Thus, eating a few small meals at regular intervals is a better option than just a couple of very heavy meals.

  • You should also avoid red meat, fried and oily foodstuff, rice, potatoes, carbonated beverages, sweets, ice-creams and chocolate, and alcohol. Instead, eat lots of raw and green leafy vegetables, fruits, sprouts, and whole grains like wheat, maize and barley.

  • Eating fresh salads that contain tomatoes and mint is also helpful in preventing obesity.

  • Also, drink plenty of water daily as this aids proper digestion and regulates the metabolic rate.

  • Besides, make sure to exercise every day. Walking, swimming and jogging are useful in keeping the entire body in good shape. You should also focus on sit-ups and stretches that help prevent the deposit of fat around the abdomen, hips and thighs, as these are the sites where fat accumulates most easily.

  • Every morning, drink a glass of lukewarm water mixed with a tablespoon of lime juice and a few drops of honey.

  • Drinking a cup of cabbage juice and eating a couple of tomatoes at breakfast are also useful home remedies to prevent obesity.

  • You should also chew 10-15 raw curry leaves every morning in order to reduce body weight and counter obesity.

  • Consumption of ginger tea also helps burn fat rapidly and cures obesity.

  • For another remedy, eat vegetable soups or eat a papaya for dinner every night for a couple of months.

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