Calcium For Bone Health : Calcium Rich Foods

Calcium is a very important mineral component for various important functions in our body. While most people are aware that calcium is the primary building block in parts of the human body like teeth and bone, most are oblivious to the other important functions that calcium will help carry out. Calcium is essential in providing overall rigidity to the human skeleton. It also plays an important role in the growth of a child, helps in the clotting of blood and allows the muscles and nerves in the body to function properly. The body requires Vitamin D in order to help the small intestine absorb the calcium from any food eaten. All in all, calcium deficiency is a very real problem in the United States and it is believed that an estimated 44% to 87% of the population do not have an appropriate intake of calcium. While it is more commonly believed that calcium only helps bone strength, this is not completely the case. Up until the ages of 35, the calcium is stored primarily in the bones, but not after. Hence when the body starts to remodel the bones, its only real source of calcium is that, absorbed through digestion. So if an inappropriate amount of calcium was stored in your bones up until this age, when your body tries to naturally remodel your bones, there will be an insufficient supply of calcium which in turn will cause your bones to become brittle and weak.

Osteoporosis is probably the biggest danger that one can face due to the lack of proper and appropriate bone density. When a person does not have enough calcium content in the body and the bones become brittle, they are prone to damage and breaks at a much higher rate than before. Hence a person suffering from osteoporosis will tend to experience a number of bone breakage and will need to take extremely careful steps to avoid any potentially hazardous situations.

In order to boost your calcium intake, try to get as much vitamin D into your body. You can get supplements for this or even increase your intake of fish (mackerel is recommended) or cod liver oil. Orange juice and soy milk as well as green leafy vegetables, cereal, almonds and hazelnuts are all rich in calcium. You must also cut down on alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes as these substances actually help in stripping the body of calcium.

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