Diarrhea Remedies | Natural Treatment For Diarrhoea

Diarrhea is usually caused by indigestion, infection in the stomach, overeating or eating the wrong kind of foods, fermentation caused by incomplete carbohydrate digestion, use of antibiotic drugs, or excessive intake of laxatives. Simple diarrhea is self limiting and can easily be cured; the symptoms of this would include frequent, watery or loose motions, a slight stomach ache, tiredness, fever, and vomiting. In severe cases though, blood and mucus may be found in stools, and the symptoms may last for several days. In such situations, external consultation and medication would be required.

Home Remedies To Treat Diarrhea

  • The first step towards curing diarrhea would be to consume lots of fluids. Diarrhea could cause high levels of dehydration; therefore it is essential to replace all the lost fluids.

  • Buttermilk is one of the most effective remedies for this condition. The acid and the natural, beneficial bacteria in buttermilk help fight the harmful bacteria in our body. Having buttermilk three to four times a day would help control the condition.

  • If the diarrhea is caused due to indigestion, then fresh or dry ginger is very beneficial. A dry piece of ginger with some salt should be had with a small piece of jaggery. This would bring instant relief, as ginger is very good for digestion and relieves nausea too.

  • Among fruits, bananas and pomegranate have proved to be highly effective in the treatment of diarrhea. Sipping on pomegranate juice throughout the day would help avoid weakness. Bananas encourage the growth of good bacteria, and also help in passing a healthy, normal stool.

  • Drinking limejuice in a cup of hot water every fifteen minutes is also said to help stop diarrhea within a few hours.

  • Carrot soup is another effective remedy; it not only helps in hydration but also provides essential minerals to our body. The carrots should be cooked in water till they become soft. The pulp should then be strained and added again to some boiled water. This soup should be had every half an hour for quick recovery.

In severe cases of diarrhea, one should fast for two complete days to provide some rest to the gastrointestinal tract. Hot water should be had at regular intervals to compensate for the loss of fluids. Fruit juices, in such cases, can be included after the acute symptoms are over. Raw foods should be had only after the patient completely recovers. One can minimize the effects of diarrhea if it is treated at the earliest. Following basic kitchen hygiene such as washing of all fruits and vegetables could also prevent diarrhea to a certain extent.

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