How To Fix Dry And Frizzy Hair Quickly

Having soft, shiny, manageable and cascading hair is a dream for almost everybody. There are some people who naturally have sleek hair that flows just the way they want it to, without any extra effort. Curly hair or spiral ringlets that have a healthy shine are also considered beautiful by most. What most people dread is frizzy, brittle and dry hair, as they are often unmanageable. Dry frizzy hair is often the result of lack of moisture in the hair. When the hair loses water, it becomes porous which gives it the appearance of being untamed and uneven. Because of the lack of moisture, the layers of the cuticle are not held together, leading to dry brittle hair. Several people often ask questions about how to fix dry and frizzy hair. However, before trying to fix the problem, it is important to understand the reason behind it. Apart from loss of water, there are also other factors that can cause the hair to become dry and brittle. These factors include the use of hair products that contain harsh chemicals, or using devises like curling irons or hair dryers on a regular basis. Given below are some common remedies that can help control frizzy hair:

How to handle it

Olive oil: An important treatment for dry frizzy hair is olive oil. The use of olive oil is known to improve the texture of dry frizzy hair. Apply some warm olive oil on to your scalp, just before going to bed and leave it on all night long. To maximize the effect, cover your head with a scarf. Upon washing it in the morning, you should be able to notice the difference. Alternately, make a mixture of 2 tablespoons of olive oil, one egg and a tablespoon of water and apply it to your head. Cover your head with a towel and leave the mixture on for around half an hour. Then wash your hair with a shampoo and conditioner, as you normally would.

Vinegar: Mix one part of apple cider vinegar, with one part of water. Shake the mixture well and apply it generously on your hair, after you have used a shampoo and conditioner. Rinse your hair with cold water again.

Coconut oil: A massage using coconut oil is not just good for dry frizzy hair, but also for the scalp, as it improves blood circulation.
In addition to using natural remedies for dry frizzy hair, it is important to follow a healthy diet, which includes plenty of water and vitamins. Experts also recommend that the hair should be washed twice or at the most three times a week.

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