How To Stimulate Your Hair Growth Naturally

Many people experience hair problems at some point in their lives. There could be several factors that cause these problems. There are also numerous hair care products available today that claim to tackle hair problems. One can also stimulate hair growth naturally by using natural treatments. Here are some tips on how to grow hair naturally.

Gain Hair Growth Naturally

It is very important to handle the hair gently. This will help to prevent further damage and hair fall. Instead of tying the hair into tight ponytails, opt for loose braids instead. Also be careful while brushing the hair. Curly or wavy hair tends to break when brushed. It is advisable to first comb through the hair gently with the fingers. When brushing, begin at the ends and with your other hand, hold the strand so that the root does not get pulled. It is also a good idea to brush the hair before a shower since this will reduce tangling. Use a conditioner every time you shower as this keeps the hair moisturized. Protect your hair from tangling on windy days by wearing a hat or covering the head with a scarf. Reduce the amount of styling as this can exert stress on the hair roots. Avoid using curling irons and blow dryers. These appliances make use of heat and hence can adversely affect the hair. The hair also requires adequate nutrition to remain healthy. In most cases, the diet is able to supply the hair roots with the necessary vitamins and minerals. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe a multivitamin which will help to make up for any nutritional deficiencies.

You can also make your hair grow naturally and faster by using a hair herbal treatment. There are many herbs that are believed to help in hair growth. Gingko biloba is thought to improve blood flow to the brain and supply nutrients to the hair follicles. Green tea is known to contain catechins that restrict the conversion of testosterone into dht. This helps to prevent male pattern baldness. Pygeum which is obtained from the evergreen tree also helps to treat balding problems. You may also promote good hair growth with regular oil massages. Warm some almond or coconut oil for a couple of minutes and massage into the scalp. Allow the oil to seep into the scalp for an hour and then wash with warm water. Hot oil treatments will help to strengthen the hair and add shine to the hair.

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