Techniques And Tips To Regrow Lost Hair

Excessive hair loss is one of the most widespread health problems affecting millions of men and women across the globe. A receding hairline can cause some serious damage, to a person’s self-image. In some cases, hair loss is heredity, that is., it is caused by genetic problems. When hair loss is caused by genetic factors, it is normally irreversible. However, hair loss caused by most other factors need not be permanent. Several options and treatments, for regrowing hair, are easily available today. However, while most of the commercial treatments and products are exorbitantly priced, they rarely ever show the results that they promise. Therefore, people now prefer natural or home remedies, to grow their hair at a faster rate. Home remedies for regrowing hair are believed to have almost the same results as commercial treatments; however, they are also supposed to be safer and with fewer side effects. Given below are some simple tips, on how to regrow hair, using natural remedies:

Natural Techniques

  • A well balanced and nutritious diet would help in improving the growth of hair to a great extent, as the body uses everything that is put into it, to feed various organs, as well as the root of the hair. Therefore, eating a lot of vitamins and minerals and drinking plenty of water (to add moisture to the hair) is very important for proper hair growth. In case you are suffering from vitamin deficiencies, you could add a vitamin supplement, to your daily diet.

  • The flow of blood is one of the main factors affecting hair growth. You can stimulate your scalp to improve the flow of blood to the surface of your scalp, where the root bulb is fed. Use warm oils like olive oil, castor oil, almond oil or coconut oil to maximize the effect of a head massage.

  • Make sure that you get your hair trimmed on a regular basis, so that it can grow in the rite manner. In order to regrow hair, care must be taken of it regularly and continuously.

  • On average, human hair grows around half an inch each month. Factors like perms, hair coloring, ironing the hair, and so on, can further affect the hair growth adversely. Therefore, such activities should be avoided, as far as possible.

Keeping your hair in good condition, mainly with the use of proper hair care products and remedies, you can regain some of the hair that you have lost. However, before choosing to opt for any one of them, it is best to consult a doctor, to rule our possibilities of deeper underlying conditions.

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