Weight Gain Tips For Vegetarian

The term “vegetarian” is a much broader one than one anticipates. Within the vegetarian community, lie a number of sub divisions containing those that the standard vegetarians. Fruits and grains are the general standard while some will indulge in eggs and others who will also indulge in a meal consisting of poultry. However, due to the restrictions in choice of food, vegetarians need to be more creative than most others in how they get their daily essential share of proteins and nutrients to fuel muscle growth. Just as it is important to avoid obesity, a low body mass index can lead to health risks as well. So if a vegetarian has a very high metabolism rate, that individual would probably need to eat a lot more to make sure that his or her BMI is balanced as opposed to someone with a low metabolism rate. A low body mass index in a vegetarian can be most commonly attributed to a deficiency of important nutrients like iron, vitamin B12 and poor quality of proteins, worm infestations, poor dietary habits or a low appetite. Low body mass index in a vegetarian can also be caused due to a malabsorption syndrome. Hence, to make sure you get a balanced diet with a view of increasing your body mass index, it is essential that you get your proper supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Vegetarian Diet To Gain Weight

  • For the proteins you could add pulses, lentils, drumsticks, grams, cereals and beans to your diet.

  • Soya is the richest source of plant protein and is very helpful.

  • To get your appropriate dosage of fat, add peanuts, olive oil, cashew nuts, olives and nuts like almonds to your diet.

  • Almonds are extremely healthy as they have mono saturated fat and the least amount of saturated fat. An ounce of almonds would be perfect for proteins and healthy fats.

  • Add a lot of cereal, potatoes, pasta, raisins and bananas to your diet to increase the level of carbohydrates in your body.

  • Some vegetarians may also indulge in fish. Salmon is by far the fish with the healthiest oils.

  • Just as it is important to know what to eat, it is equally essential to find out what foods to avoid. Food items high in fiber content like salads and leafy vegetables should be avoided to prevent excessive bloating and gas.

  • If the person is diabetic, avoid foods with high glycemic content like rice and potatoes.

  • Smoking cuts down the appetite and should be cut down in order to achieve weight gain.

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