Weight Loss Remedies | Lose Weight Naturally

Weight gain and obesity are problems commonly faced by people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Excessive consumption of fat and cholesterol-rich foodstuff like artificially sweetened drinks and snacks, meat-based products, carbonated drinks, milk products and alcoholic beverages, as well as foodstuff containing high level of carbohydrates, may cause weight gain. Lack of adequate physical exercise, insufficient sleep and hereditary factors are also major causes behind weight gain.

There are several natural ways of countering weight gain.

  • One of the most important ways of keeping your body weight in control is to adopt a healthy diet and exercise regime. Eat lots of fresh fruits and raw vegetables, and cut down on your intake of manufactured food items.

  • Eating several small meals at an interval of a couple of hours instead of two or three big meals every day is helpful in controlling weight.

  • Make sure that you do not eat food that is excessively salty, as this causes the body to retain more water and consequently lead to weight gain.

  • Substitute sweet dishes like ice-cream, pastries, chocolate and candies with unsweetened and unflavored yoghurt and fresh fruits and fruit juices to control your weight.

  • Also, set aside some time every day for light exercises like swimming, walking and jogging in order to regulate your metabolic rate and check increase in weight.

Home Remedies To Lose Weight

  • One of the most popular and effective ways of doing this is to drink a glass of lukewarm water to which a tablespoon of honey and the juice of a lemon have been added, every morning on an empty stomach.

  • Eating a couple of tomatoes at breakfast every day for a few months also helps in reducing body weight.

  • Use generous amounts of mint in raw salads, as it has natural properties that help keep your body weight within limits.

  • The use of condiments like ginger, cinnamon and black pepper in cooked food is also known to be useful in regulating body weight.

  • Also, chew a few fresh curry leaves every morning or use these leaves to garnish cooked food, as they reduce body weight naturally.

  • Drinking a glass of boiled water half an hour after every meal is another natural method to check weight gain.

  • In addition, include cabbage in raw or cooked form in your diet, as this vegetable naturally prevents sugar from getting converted into fat and thus controls weight gain.

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