Stop Excessive Sweating And Odor

An excessive amount of underarm sweating, which seems more than what people normally experience, is termed as hyperhidrosis. It is often accompanied by severe body odor as well as stained or spotted clothing. Therefore, excessive underarm sweating can be an embarrassing problem, which is prevalent not just in men, but in several women too. Underarm sweating could occur because of many reasons. One of the biggest causes of underarm sweating is stress. When people are under stress or are worried about something, it is natural for them to sweat more than normal. Other causes of underarm sweating include obesity, following an unhealthy diet, less water consumption and lack of personal hygiene. In order to stop underarm sweating, it is first important to identify the factors that are causing the problem. Once the cause of the problem has it determined, it is possible to use the underarm sweating solutions given below, to control the problem:

Natural Solution For Underarm Sweating

  • You can easily reduce excess underarm sweating by finding relief from stress and anxiety. Yoga and meditation are some of the most effective practices, for stress reduction. Since exercising is one of the best known stress busters, you could also add an activity like walking, jogging, dancing, aerobics or swimming to your daily routine.

  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle, where there is a lack of adequate physical activity also contributes to obesity, which is another major cause of excessive sweating. With an additional amount of weight and fat added on to the body, the temperature automatically rises, even when a simple activity is performed. Therefore, keeping fit would help reduce sweating problems to a great extent.
  • A diet that consists of a lot of junk food, oily foods, food with a lot of preservatives or spicy foods, makes the body sweat more. In order to reduce the amount you sweat, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables.

  • Water is absolutely essential for getting rid of the toxins in your body, reducing your body temperature and controlling excessive sweat. Make sure that you drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water each day.

  • It is important for people who sweat a lot to take a warm shower at least twice a day. Wearing clothes that are made from synthetic material could raise the body temperature, aggravating the sweating problem. Clothes that are made from natural fibers like cotton or silk should be given preference.

  • There are several antiperspirants, which contain aluminum chloride, which controls excessive underarm sweating. These however would block the sweat glands in the arm pit and therefore should not be used very often.
In case the underarm sweating solutions mentioned above are not very effective, you could check with a doctor, for medication, Botox injections or other alternatives that could help stop underarm sweating.

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