Health Benefits Of Fish Oil Supplements

The presence of Omega 3 essential fatty acids is the secret behind such huge health benefits of fish oil. Fatty acids such as Eicosapentaenoic acid, Docosahexaenoic acid, Gamma-linolenic acid and Alpha-linolenic acid offers numerous health benefits. Some of the common sources of fish oil include yellow fin tuna, blue fin tuna, sea bass, herring, rainbow trout, lake trout, mackerel, halibut, albacore, oyster, swordfish, pilchards, turbot, salmon and anchovies.

Regular intake of fish oil supplements can protect you from various diseases. Keep on reading to know about the health benefits offered by fish oil.

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Benefits Of Fish Oil

Weight Loss: Fish oil is very good for people aiming at weight loss. It improves the efficacy of exercise. People who include fish oil in their diet can more easily loose weight. When combined with exercise fish oil can work like magic. Weight Management The reason for weight gain isn't that complicated. People gain weight because they consume more calories than they burn. It's that simple!

Blood Circulation: Fish Oil also improves blood circulation which in turn reduces the serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Heart Diseases: Regular intake of fish oil supplements can prevent heart diseases as well as heart arrhythmias. It increases the HDL level (good cholesterol) and lowers the LDL level (bad cholesterol). Fish oil also prevents triglycerides accumulation. It reduces the risk of stroke.

Immunity: Regular consumption of fish oil can increase your immunity. It will enable you to resist simple disease like cough, cold and flu. Omega 3 fatty acid benefits the immune system as it affects the eicosanoids and cytokines.

AIDS: Recent researches have shown that fish oil can aid in the treatment of AIDS.

Depression and Anxiety: Fish oil is also very effective in relieving sadness, anxiety, depression, stress, mental fatigue, restlessness, suicidal tendencies, decreased sexual desire and nervous disorder.

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With so many benefits it is nothing surprising that fish oil supplements are a common preference for doctors and health care experts.

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