Control Your Cholesterol – How To Do with Proper Diet And Exercises

How Important Is Controlling Cholesterol?

What is cholesterol? Cholesterol plays a vital role in keeping our bodies fit. It is a fat like substance found in the blood; however, it can also build up and form deposits in your arteries. When these deposits clog or completely block the passage of blood and oxygen to the heart, it can result in chest pain, heart attack, or other cardio vascular problems. There are two types of cholesterol: high density lipoprotein (HDL), or the “good” cholesterol, which helps to remove unneeded cholesterol from the body, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or the “bad” cholesterol, which is primarily made of fat and increases the risk of heart diseases.

Cholesterol control. There are a number of ways in which we can control our cholesterol levels. These include diet, exercise, weight loss, and medications. These options can ensure that you remain in the safety zone when it comes to cholesterol related illnesses. However, the most ideal way of controlling cholesterol is to follow a diet, exercise, and keep your weight in control.

Diet for low cholesterol. It is always preferable to adopt a low cholesterol diet as part of your lifestyle. This ensures that we can control our cholesterol intake, by limiting the intake of bad cholesterol found in foods like beef, beef fat, lamb, cold cuts, sausage, regular hot dogs, fried meats, whole milk, canned milk, ice cream, butter, hard cheese, French fries, doughnuts, cake, cookies, pies, candy chips, and foods high in sugar. Further, to ensure that we our consuming enough good cholesterol include unsaturated fat sources such as salmon, trout, herring, other sea food, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils in your diet. Also use un-hydrogenated vegetable oils such as olive, canola, safflower, or sunflower oil. Including adequate amounts of vegetables, fruits, whole grain, high fiber foods, and low fat dairy products is also good to keep cholesterol levels low.

Exercise to reduce cholesterol. In addition to the low fat diet, you can exercise to stat healthy and in good form. For those who find it difficult to adhere to an exerciser regime you could try some of the following tips to stay healthy: avoid using a vehicle when you can walk; park a little further from your destination and walk the extra distance; use the stairs instead of the elevator; and either walk your dog or walk with your friend. You could also choose any exercise that interests you, be it swimming, jogging, biking, dancing, or hiking. Exercise will keep your cholesterol levels low and also help you lose weight.

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