Juice Therapy Remedies - How Does Juice Therapy Work For Ailments?

Juice Therapies & Remedies For Ailments

More and more people today are opting for a natural approach to restore their health. What better way to energize your body than with a glass full of your favorite fresh juice? 

Juices from fresh raw fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals and ‘live’. They modify toxins and help eliminate them. We all know that cooking destroys these ‘live’ enzymes in foods. When you extract juice, these enzymes are intact and begin their magic inside the body as soon as you consume them. Another reason why juice therapy is so popular and effective is that juicing preserves the amount of nutrients, which can be easily absorbed by the body. They build new healthy tissue, purify blood and rejuvenate all systems in the body. Juices are also very easy to assimilate, thus making them ideal for all ages!

Juices can provide quick relief from ailments like cold, flu, constipation and acidity. Many people, with the aid of a qualified health practitioner, have also received satisfactory results in their fasting program to aid in control of food allergies and intolerances.This is done by increasing the body’s immunity. They can also assist in treating anemia, high blood pressure, kidney and liver disorders to name a few. Do consult your local health practitioner before you start juice therapy.

Most Potent Juices And Their Benefits

Carrot juice: Yes, it is the most widely used juice on its own and in combination with others. A very rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamins B, C, E, and K it helps to treat skin disorders. Its high content of iron, magnesium and calcium improves the quality of breast milk and is a boon for lactating mothers.

Pomegranate juice: The powerful combination of antioxidants, polyphenols, isoflavones and ellagitannins in this juice has been shown to curb the growth of cancer cells, especially of the prostate. 

Parsley and Tomato juice: Tomato is a wonder food, rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium and licopene. Parsley juice is very potent and helpful in curing ailments related to the eyes and optic nerve. It also helps treat kidney calculi, and maintains your blood vessels. 

Wheatgrass juice: Wheatgrass chlorophyll is packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and oxygen. This green drink will remove harmful bacteria and toxic waste from your colon and helps in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and ulcers.

Pineapple juice: People with arthritis can benefit from this juice. Pineapple contains bromelin- which helps to reduce inflammation and pain in the joints. 

Other juices like grape, cucumber, spinach, and potato in combination with carrot and tomato are used to treat acne. Grapefruit, lemon, celery, lettuce along with pineapple and carrot are helpful for arteriosclerosis. Juices are optimal when extracted and consumed fresh and raw. But do keep in mind that a juice diet is not a replacement for a well balanced diet!

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