Social Anxiety Disorder And Symptoms – Causes of This Psychology

Possible Causes Of Social Anxiety Disorder

Many people experience anxiety before making a presentation or a speech in public. This is completely normal as the thought of performing in front of an audience can be intimidating. However some individuals experience significant anxiety at even the thought of appearing in public. This is referred to as social anxiety disorder. Individuals suffering from this disorder feel anxious about social situations. They are also apprehensive at the thought of interacting with unfamiliar people. The anxiety may stem from the notion that they may cause embarrassment to themselves or may be judged by others. Individuals with this psychological condition may even experience panic attacks in the days leading up to a social situation or event. But exactly what is social anxiety disorder and how is it caused?

There is no definitive factor responsible for this disorder. There may be interplay of psychological, physical and environmental factors in the development of this condition. Social anxiety disorder may be caused by certain neurotransmitter imbalances. This causes a disruption in the relaying of information between the nerve cells in the brain. The condition may also have a genetic link and may be passed on through the generations. Many people with social anxiety disorder are known to have had humiliating past experiences or an overprotected childhood. Social anxiety disorder symptoms are diverse. The primary of all social anxiety symptoms, however, is complete avoidance of social situations. The individual is also likely to come up with various excuses for not attending social meetings. The social anxiety disorder symptoms may become so severe that it may even interfere with the individual’s daily functioning. Physical social anxiety disorder symptoms would include sweating, cold hands, trembling, muscle tension and avoidance of eye contact.

How To Reduce Social Anxiety Psychology

Social anxiety disorder treatment must begin immediately after a diagnosis is made. If the social anxiety disorder symptoms continue to grow and remain untreated, it can adversely affect the individual’s life. The resulting loneliness may put the individual at risk for drug abuse or alcohol addiction. The diagnosis may be based on psychological tests. Treatment usually involves cognitive and behavior therapy. Medication may also be administered in some cases to alleviate anxiety and reduce the symptoms. During therapy, the individual is motivated to adopt a positive thought pattern which will enable him to face social situations. Many people with social anxiety disorder also suffer from low self-esteem and hence counseling may also be necessary to boost self image. The herb valerian is known to be beneficial in alleviating anxiety and may be used to reduce the symptoms of this condition. Chamomile may also be used to calm the nerves and relieve anxiety and stress.

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